Friday, December 28, 2012


I opened my golden mini-wallet, saw one or two thousand of extra cash, looked at the weary and long faces of Ikay (my 13 year-old cousin), Patis and Jess (my sisters, 12 and 7 years old, respectively), realized they cannot stand a few extra hours of waiting for my nanay to get her haircut done and so, I treated the girls to a SPA date. :) You see, we've been spending our entire half day braving the rain to do some last minute shopping for too many celebrations that will be happening on December 29 - Zach's christening, a relative's wedding (my nanay is a secondary sponsor), a high school friend's wedding (Jacky!) and of course, my nanay's 48th birthday. Our feet were all muddy and wet from the puddles and the rain (this is shopping, Tuguegarao City-style) and we need to do a pretty move to bring back our girliness. Nanay is getting her haircut done already - and what is left for us to do? Foot Spa! We found this simple spa with very affordable services right across the salon called the K Lounge and used our waiting time as girly time. Unfortunately, my cash is good enough for three only so I gave way for the three girls to experience special treatment even just for an hour only. I pray that the Universe be kind and allow me to be in the position to treat my loved ones with the good things in life - I know, this is a little selfish - but don't we all hope and wish and pray for our loved ones to have and experience nothing but the best in the world?? :)

The girls having the time of their lives. :)
The pics were taken using my nanay's C3 camera, thus, the grainy pictures. :p
Foot Spa First Timers

the girls

the seven year old
Thank you Universe!:)

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